A Heart’s Cry

When peaceful stillness compassed everything
And the night in its swift course half-spent
Your all powerful word from heaven’s royal throne
Bounded a fierce warrior, into the doomed land
Bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree (Wisdom 18)

Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?

Will he be slow to answer them?
I tell you he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily.

But when the Son of Man comes,
Will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:1-8)

God is calling me to greater depths
His word decrees to my cry
But stillness I must seek
If anger drives the dagger deep
Still deeper His sword.
What words express this ache?
Yet what does he ask?
Will I find faith?

This is to be my clarion
He will be there
Hope will come
Just keep on
Because He can’t resist.

Glowing embers flame
Engulfing all swift flame will rise
But not just empty hands
Food and drink, but not to drunkenness
Life’s blood flowing deep
A cut not yet mended
Fuel to fire, but what truly catches flame
Must start from coals already spent.
Yet heat and color give flame,
A silent prayer continuing.

A Quiet Prayer

The light is dim

But faith is strong

The heart searching

Embers growing daily stronger

What once was just a flame

Flies through paper

Till steady on

Carried on

A stump to bloom

Quiet peace

Hope flickers

Slowly ebbing

Watching mesmerizing

Stoked by the iron rod

Sparks through stubble

Never ending

Filled to brimming
